Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New schools, new students, new class of 2012 & 2013 MBA resume books!

The new resume books for the upcoming academic year are now available for pre-order! Just go to the Resume Books page or click on a school link below to get started:

What you missed at Connections 2011

Representatives from 25 of the world’s leading employers and 27 of the world’s top business schools attended Connections 2011 "Critical Dependencies in MBA Recruiting” hosted by MBA Focus in Columbus, Ohio.

We are very proud that this conference continues to be the premiere event for MBA recruitment. We truly appreciate the ideas, comments, and willingness to share year after year. This kind of rich and open dialogue makes it possible for all of us to succeed.

Below is a list of key thoughts, discussion points, and takeaways from the presentations, moderated panels, and keynotes that you missed. Please keep these in mind as you prepare for the upcoming season. Feel free to call or email us with additional thoughts. You can also post your comments on our MBA Focus Facebook page.
MBA Focus Intro
  • MBA Focus makes it easier to do your job! 96% of client contacts, and 93% of users would recommend MBA Focus.
  • The future of MBA Focus includes virtual interviewing, new user interface, integration with social networks, and mobile applications.
  • Schools admit: "MultiPost is a big value proposition for us!"
  • Employers confirm that more energy and emphasis is placed on sourcing activities: "Post and pray is dead."
  • "Phone calls are not the best way to screen candidates...Virtual Interviewing can only be a good thing and help improve the process."
Moderated Panels
  • MBA students agree that CMO/CSO/CMC still play a major role in employment process. 
  • Schools only place a small percentage of students in jobs through OCR (on-campus recruiting).
  • GMAT scores are not a predictor of employability; it is used to predict how successful a student will be in an MBA program. 
  • Schools are admitting on potential just as employers are hiring on potential. 
  • Buzzword = PERSONAL. MBA students want personal touch to offers and communications. Want to feel wanted. But don't invade personal space. MBA students agree Facebook and texting is personal space. LinkedIn and email is more professional.  And email is still the preferred method of communication during the recruiting process.
  • Students think location, salary, flexibility, etc important when accepting job offer. But it is better if a company really WANTS you and INTERESTED in you.
  • Informative Q&A on the new DOJ ruling about discrimination in job postings based on citizenship vs. work authorization. Check with your legal counsel.
  • Employers need to "create experiences worth sharing." - Sabine Gillert
  • "Engaging the engaged." Companies can utilize social media as a brand ambassador to reach candidates otherwise uninterested.  - Sabine Gillert
  • "Anything worth doing is worth doing POORLY." - Artie Isaac 
  • Recommended books on creativity, including The Artist's Way (which has daily and weekly exercises): http://astore.amazon.com/artieisaac-20
We hope to see you next year! Please Save the Date for Connections 2012, which will be held April 30–May 2, 2012, in Columbus, Ohio. 

4 Reasons to Pre-Order Resume Books

Pre-ordering the 1st-year class of 2013 and 2nd-year class of 2012 resume books is the absolute best way to find and hire the top-tier MBA talent - and here are four reasons why:
1. Get Access First! Gain access to the resume books the moment they become available to search.
2. Beat Your Competition! Pre-ordering the resume books gives the career service office time to approve your access before it is released to other employers.
3. View the Entire Class! Filter the largest and best group of candidates before anyone else has a chance to contact them.
4. Discounted Prices! Save money by pre-ordering the entire population of job-seeking candidates (1st-year interns, graduating 2nd-year students, and experienced alumni) at once.
Don't wait - Pre-order the resume books and start the MBA recruiting process today!

What's New? The All-New MBAFocus.com

The new website was completed with you in mind. It is now
  • even easier to find the perfect match for your hiring needs
  • much simpler to navigate with an improved user interface
  • fully integrated with our complete product suite
  • more informative - with more explicit descriptions of the products
Go to www.mbafocus.com right now to